Muslims Wearing Things

A friend of mine came across a great Tumblr blog called Muslims Wearing Things that was created in response to Juan William’s comments on the O’Reilly Factor last week about how seeing Muslims in “Muslim garb” at airports makes him feel afraid.

I’ve been looking eagerly for various responses to the incident and have mostly come across debate supporting or criticizing William and NPR. This blog aims to be more positive by spotlighting the diverse clothing Muslims around the world wear to show that Williams was wrong in being fearful and saying there is such thing as “Muslim garb.”

Pictures show Muslims in kilts, uniforms, tuxedos, jackets, fashion-forward dresses and more, not what you would think of scary or fearful or particularly Middle Eastern looking.

Side note: There are actually a plethora of Muslim fashion blogs, which you wouldn’t normally expect. Some stand out ones are StyleCovered (the creator, Hana Tajima-Simpson is actually picture on Muslims Wearing Things) as well as HijabStyle and HijabScarf.

Very illuminating to see another story finally being shared for a mass audience in one convenient place. You should definitely check this site out.

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